The Self-Similar Rayleigh-Gans Approximation

The Self-Similar Rayleigh-Gans Approximation (SSRGA) provides a means to compute the scattering properties of aggregated ice particles and snowflakes in the microwave and millimetre parts of the spectrum. In this regime the soft sphere/spheroid approximation tends to significantly underestimate scattering, while the Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) is very computationally costly. The SSRGA is a fast method that computes the ensemble average scattering properties of aggregate particles and which matches DDA calculations well in the case of unrimed particles. It combines two assumptions:

The theory has been developed in two papers:

See also a talk presented at the AMS 14th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Boston, 7 July 2014.

Example of a simulated aggregate of bullet rosettes from the model of Westbrook et al. (2004), shown in the plane of its longest (x) dimension and shortest (z) dimension, with the intensity of the shading proportional to the amount of ice in the third (y) dimension. Simulations such as these were used to demonstrate the self-similar nature of the struture of aggregates. Taken from Hogan and Westbrook (2014).


Comparison of the Self-Similar Rayleigh-Gans Approximation (SSRG) with several other models for the 94-GHz backscatter cross-section of aggregated ice particles and snowflakes. All models assume the Brown and Francis (1995) mass-size relationship, and two of them assume the particles to be horizontally aligned with an aspect ratio of 0.6. The SSRGA model assumes the parameters for aggregates of bullet rosettes reported by Hogan and Westbrook (2014) of κ=0.19, β=0.23 and γ=5/3. The panels are (a) backscatter cross section of ensembles of individual particles, all of the same size but with different realizations of their internal structure, and (b) the relationship between radar reflectivity factor and ice water content for the Field et al. (2005) size distributions.

Doesn't this contradict what you said in Hogan et al. (2012)?

Hogan et al. (2012) claimed that homogeneous oblate spheroids ("soft spheroids") are a good model for scattering by irregular ice particles at millimetre wavelengths. While this is true for particles whose dimension in the direction of propagation of radiation is smaller than the wavelength, it is not true for larger particles. Note that the other results of Hogan et al. (2012) are unaffected: