Cloudgen: A stochastic cloud generator

Cloudgen is a program for generating three-dimensional stochastic clouds (specifically cirrus) with realistic horizontal and vertical structure. Eleven sample config files are included, 2 "idealised" cirrus cases (one with variable effective radius), 1 idealised stratocumulus case, 4 cirrus cases derived from cloud radar time-height sections and the same 4 cases but with the effects of shear-induced horizontal mixing removed.


Example from 27 December 1999

The following plot shows 2D ice water content derived from the Chilbolton 94-GHz cloud radar on 27 December 1999.

The following plot shows a slice through a 3D cloud fields created by Cloudgen when it is given statistics derived from the radar data.

Some 3D visualisations of stochastic cirrus clouds:


Publications using the code above should reference the first of the papers below, which describes the workings of the algorithm.